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2019, Western Province, Solomon Islands

2018, Rennell and Bellona Province, Solomon Islands

  • Recordings archived at the Macaulay Library

  • Paper describing results of this survey.

2017, Central Province, Solomon Islands

2017, Western Province, Solomon Islands

2014, Vanuatu

  • Recordings archived at the Macaulay Library

  • Paper describing results of an avifaunal survey of Éfaté, Malakula, Gaua, and Vanua Lava Islands

2013, Fiji

2012, Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Recordings archived at the Macaulay Library

  • Paper describing results of an avifaunal survey of the Man and Biosphere Reserve at Luki

2011, Fiji

2010, Fiji

2009, Fiji

2009, Sierra Leone

2009, Peru

2008, Peru

2007, Alaska, USA

2006, Alaska, USA

2006, Argentina

2005, Argentina

2004, Peru

  • Recordings archived at the Macaulay Library

  • Paper describing the Distribution, behavior, and conservation status of the Rufous Twistwing (Cnipodectes superrufus)

  • Paper describing the First photographic evidence of Veery (Catharus fuscescens) for Peru

  • Paper describing the First description of nest and eggs of the White-lined antbird (Percnostola lophotes), and breeding observations of poorly known birds inhabiting Guadua bamboo in southeastern Peru



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